Home | Facilities | GYM

We provide guests with a safe and comfortable sports space with a variety of fitness equipment to relax and strengthen your body.
●Roomer only
●Operated from 07am to 10pm.
●For your own safety, the person under 20 years old without adults is prohibited to enter the gym.
●Please read the instruction carefully before use the fitness equipment.
●The user need to afford the risk. We Do Not take any resopnsibility to your personnal belongings or injuries.
●Please wear proper sportwear and sneakers to enter the gym.
●As you are uncomfortable ( injuries, sickness..ect) or pregnant, even within 90minutes after dinning or
drinking acoholic beverages, Do Not use any fitness equipment.
●Warming up is necessary before using any fitness equipment. Once you feel uncomfortable, please inform
the receptionist immediately.
●To avoid bothering other persons, Do Not shut,run, eat,and drink (except mineral water) in the gym.
●After exercising, please return the equipment to the right place and turn off any electronic devices. If you
find any damage, please inform the receptionist immediately.
To defend all the users’right, our hetel has the right to deport the person did not follow the rules.